INTERVIEW: The Trust and Kabale Battle for the Optimus

(EDITOR’S NOTE: PM Library Associate Editor Joeseph Simon talks with creator, inker and author Bill Anderson about his latest project in an exclusive Paint Monk’s Library interview.)

It’s always a win-win situation when a talented group of creators get together to make a new comic book.

The Trust, Book One: Silent Scream Issue #2 is a historical fantasy set in the flapper era of the 1920’s. It’s a story featuring the conflict between two organizations: the Trust and the Kabale. Both are fighting over the control of the Optimus, a device that can change the world.

Click HERE to see more art previews and get
 more informationon the Silent Scream Issue #2 project.

You can go with your gut instinct on who you would hope has control of the Optimus
in this one. But just in case, I should mention Thomas Edison, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Musidora, Amelia Earhart, William S. Hart and Bill Montana all are part of the Trust. The membership of The Kabale includes Max Schreck, Werner Krauss, Rudolph Klein-Rogge, Fritz Lang and an updated version of Maria The Robot.

Co-written by Dennis Webster, who is well known for published works on ghost hauntings, true crime and asylums, he’s the editor and contributor to the best selling Adirondack Mysteries series. He’s also co-creator and co-writer of the Silent Scream graphic novel, writer of the What the Freak comic and has written a number of stage plays and screenplays. A real life paranormal investigator with the Ghost Seekers of Central New York and the executive producer and host of the well-titled television show and web series Ghosts and Toast.

Bill Anderson, co-creator, co-writer, and inker is well-known for his work with Marvel (Silver Surfer, Spider Man, Cosmic Powers, Uncanny Origins), DC (Action, Aquaman, Batman and the Outsiders, JLA), Image (Vanguard), and many others including TMNT, Elementals, Star Blazers, Robotech, Dreadstar and Elvira.

Gabriel Rearte is an artist from Argentina known for his work in Europe and South America as well as the United States for working on Wonder Woman, Jinn: Realm of the Claw, Witchblade, Campirella, Gravel, Threshold, Species, Lady Death, The Phantom, Lone Wolf, Grim Fairy Tales, Evil Dead 2 and other stories.

Laurie Smith, whose nomination for an Eisner Award for her work on The X-Files comic from Topps is one of many credits to her professional colorist career of 22 years.

An amazing team doing an interesting book! Its available now on Kickstarter but only until April 24th. It’s a good thing I managed to get an interview with Bill Anderson to bring it all into perspective.

JOESEPH SIMON: I have to admit, I love the line up, although I am a fan of many of these real life people like Fritz Lang. He was certainly a great creator of bad people! Tell us more about your series. Why these characters? Obviously with your co-writer’s background, the past is a valued and likely treasured subject.

BILL ANDERSON: There are a variety of reasons why we chose the people in the story. Once we chose Max Schreck as the main villain, it was the obvious move to bring in other personalities from German Expressionism, culminating with Fritz Lang. For the Trust, we looked for people whose abilities could reasonably translate into an adventure story, and considering that many early stars did their own stunts, there were plenty to choose from. It was also very exciting to discover connections between some of them that we weren’t aware of until after we chose them.

JOESEPH SIMON: It is fascinating that these famous historical figures did all live during this period of time and had, as you discovered, connections to each other. Without spoiling any of the story, what were some of the interesting connections you and Dennis uncovered?

BILL ANDERSON: One example would be that Thea von Harbou, screenwriter of Metropolis, was actually married to one of the other people we chose as a member of the Kabale, before she was married to Fritz Lang.

JOESEPH SIMON: You have a solid group comprising the Trust and the Kabale. You also have an amazing creative team with Dennis, Gabriel and Laurie. At comic book companies like Marvel and DC, often the creative team is put together by the powers that be. The situation is different here. How did everyone come together?

BILL ANDERSON: Dennis and I met on a different project, which ended up not happening. While we were waiting for that to progress, we started kicking around other ideas, and discovered we liked writing together. I met Gabriel through Facebook, because he was a fan of my inking over Angel Medina. When the latest in a long line of pencillers left the project, I invited Gabriel on board, and luckily for us, he was interested. I saw Laurie post some of her coloring over her husband, George Freeman, and thought she would be a perfect fit for the project.

JOESEPH SIMON: George Freeman? The artist of Captain Canuck?

BILL ANDERSON: Yes. I had friended him on Facebook, because I’m a huge fan of his art, and that led me to seeing Laurie’s post.

JOESEPH SIMON: The Trust is a Kickstarter that will be ending on April 24. There’s a lot more than just comic in the pledge levels. Give us the elevator pitch for what you have in store for everyone.

BILL ANDERSON: In addition to the comic, all backers will get a Musidora print by Fred Hembeck. There are other extras available as well, a t-shirt, a coloring book, art prints, as well as original art from the comic and some of the prints. Backers are also encouraged to contact me if they want to combine rewards.

– Joeseph Simon

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I want to thank Bill for taking the time to talk to the readers of the Paint Monk’s Library. All four of the creative team are amazing talents. I have personally followed Bill’s work for years and am excited about the projects he has planned for in the future. Take a look at he Trust, Book One, Silent Scream:

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