REVIEW: Red Sonja Vol. 5 Goes Out With a Whimper

*Review: Red Sonja (Vol. 5) #5 & 6 – SPOILER ALERT!*

By BOB FREEMAN – Paint Monk’s Library Writer

The official teaser for Red Sonja #5 reads: “Like an all-consuming fire, the armies of Dragan The Magnificent pursued Sonja The Red until there was nowhere else to flee. The corpses of her people scattered before her like charred rabbits, she turned to face his exquisite wrath. And prayed in vain for death to take her quickly.

Looking at issue #6, Dynamite shares: “The first arc of the most exciting series debut of 2019 comes to a stunning conclusion. The dreaded Dragan makes Her Majesty an offer that would end an invasion but sacrifice everything. Sonja The Red must weigh the awful costs, before the decision is no longer hers to make.

A series that started out strong ends in disappointment.

The final issues of Mark Russell and Mirko Colak’s first arc in this latest volume in the tale of Red Sonja are a shade different from the four that preceded them. While there’s still a bit more humor than is to my liking, the comic has taken a darker tone. Sonja’s predicament is, well, rather grim, and it is reflected in Russell’s dialogue.

What began as my favorite Hyborian Age comic of those currently being offered has deteriorated into a sad state on par with what Marvel has been offering and that’s a bloody shame.

So much promise wasted.

I give them collectively 4 out of 10 skulls of my enemies. That’s 2 for each of them (issues #5 and #6)… I’m feeling generous today it seems.

Will I be back for the second arc? It’s doubtful. The creative team will have to pull out all the stops to reignite my passion for this comic.

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