Small Press Comics Explosion – 1980s Memories

Remembering the Original “Flea Market” For Home Made Comics of the 1980s

As I find it more and more difficult to relate to many of the changes in mainstream comic books these days, I am getting more nostalgic about the era when I first began collecting and wondering how much of that “era” still exists in one form or another.
Bored for a few moments tonight, I decided to surf eBay for awhile and stumbled across a gem I hadn’t thought of in decades – The Small Press Comics Explosion magazine.
If you’re a DC or Marvel reader primarily, you might not remember this publication. It had a distribution of about 2K copies nationwide in its heyday.
But in its pages you could find a lot of interesting “junk” with many treasures mixed in. You see, Small Press Comics Explosion was devoted to homemade comic books – comics people drew and photocopied, assembling them at home and shipping them out to potential readers for a mere 25 cents (up to $1.00 for some of the homemade ones with decent production values.) 
I managed to pick up 3 of these old magazines on eBay today for $1.50 each. When they arrive, I’m going to take a good look through them and see how many – if any – of these homemade comics turned out to be springboards for industry writers or artists today.
If you had any connections or past dealings with or through Small Press Comics Explosion, please shoot me a message in the comments section or PM me on Facebook at Paint Monk’s Library! I’d love to hear your story!
As always, I am – Wally (AKA Paint Monk
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