NEWS: Marvel Crossover Spotlights the Savage Land

Marvel Comics has announced this summer’s cross-over event, which will bring to the forefront everyone’s favorite Antarctic prehistoric paradise.

The crossover, titled “Prodigal Sun”, will take place in three one shot stories: Fantastic Four: Prodigal Sun #1, Guardians of the Galaxy: Prodigal Sun #1 and Silver Surfer: Prodigal Sun #1.

The series will be written by Peter David with art by Francesco Manna.

Only a few details were released today. The series will kick off as the Fantastic Four heads to the Savage Land, where an entity named Prodigal is being worshiped as a god.

The cover of the issue shows Marvel’s own Tarzan and Jane – Ka-Zar and Shanna – leaping into battle alongside the Richards family, with a massive Tyrannosaurus in the background.

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