Posts Tagged ‘Oops’

REVIEW: The Check is In the Mail…And So Is Conan’s Art

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Welcome to The Classic Conan Countdown, a series of reviews focusing on the original 275 issues of Marvel Comics’ Conan the Barbarian, which were published from 1970 to 1993. This is a review of Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 1) #22.)

By WALLY MONK – Paint Monk’s Library Editor

For a complete review of this issue, please see my previous post about Conan the Barbarian #1. 
Ok, Paint Monk, you screwed this one up. The cover of this comic book promotes “The Shadow of the Vulture” in the lucid pencils of Barry Windsor-Smith, but your review is about Conan the Barbarian #1! What were you thinking?
If you feel cheated by today’s Classic Conan Countdown post, you’re not alone. I normally prepare my reviews at least a week in advance and was shocked to see that the Conan review I’d been highly anticipating was nothing more than a reprint of Conan’s first comic book appearance. Given that Barry Windsor-Smith is gearing up for his departure from Marvel here and there were some delays with certain inkers along the way, it’s not surprising this happened, but this is a waste of a darn fine cover
After being teased with this tantalizing illustration, we open the comic to find a nice little disclaimer from Marvel Comics editorial, along with a very familiar splash page – Windsor-Smith’s very first splash from Conan the Barbarian #1. To add insult to injury, the text box with narrative introducing Conan is replaced with Marvel’s explanation. 
Instead of a review, I’ve included some text from the editorial of this issue’s “Hyborian Page” detailing the faux pas for your edification (below). For those of you who are still feeling cranky and thinking “What the he**?” I can assure you that blogger Dean Plakas has a fantastic and insightful review of the real “Shadow of the Vulture” tale already finished and not “lost in the mail” for Wednesday. 
In the meantime, consider catching up on any of our Countdown to Conan installments that you may have missed. 
As always, I am – Wally (AKA Paint Monk
(Editorial, Conan the Barbarian #22)

Well, it finally happened! As I’ve been telling you for months, it’s been a terrific strain for Roy, Barry and our hard-pressed, hard-working inkers to turn out an issue of CONAN THE BARBARIAN each and every month. Time after time, the ever demanding deadline has forced them to take desperate measures – including one issue reproduced partly from pencils, another finished up from Barry’s layouts by no less than four penciler/inkers. 

But this time, Fate as well went against them – and you. At the last minute – and believe it when we say we mean just that! – no less than thirteen pages of the 21-page spectacular planned for this issue went lost in the mail, necessitating either a reprint of an earlier CONAN issue – or the substitution of a few “Conan-presented” sword-and-sorcery tales gathered from earlier Marvel mags. There wasn’t even time to change the now-accidentally-misleading cover, since it was printed long before the loss could have been anticipated. (And please, people – don’t tell us we should simply have skipped putting out an issue at all this month. Nothing would have pleased Roy and Barry more – but, once printing schedules are definitely set up, that becomes impossible. By legal contract, Marvel had to put out something called CONAN THE BARBARIAN this month – even if the mag had been completely filled with re-runs of Millie the Model! No lie!)