BREAKING NEWS: New “Tower of the Elephant” Sequel In the Works By Italian Leviathan Labs

Italy’s Leviathan Labs, French Publisher Glenat creating new Conan Stories

While US residents eagerly await the return of Conan the Barbarian to Marvel Comics, the European market seems to be making their own plans for the Cimmerian.
It appears that while the Robert E. Howard estate holds the rights to Conan the Barbarian in the United States and North America, Conan sits in the public domain across the pond. I am sure there are more nuances to Conan’s intellectual property status, but European publishers are jumping on the opportunity to put new Conan stories out for the public as soon as they can.

If I understand some of the nuances of this IP issue properly, one of the “catches” is that these European stories can’t be sold in the western market. Perhaps this is an opportunity for Marvel to make some more money when the license returns by re-issuing these stories in English.

Last night, comics and pop culture site Bleeding Cool announced that Leviathan Labs will be jumping on the Conan bandwagon – and producing their first comic, which will contain a “sequel” to the popular Tower of the Elephant story, which appeared in Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian #4 and was an adaptation of Howard’s classic tale. 
Leviathan Labs has issued some promotional images, indicating their releases will also premiere in 2019. The new Tower of the Elephant story seems to take place during the era of King Conan, and not the Cimmerian’s younger years, in which the original tale took place.
In the promotional samples of artwork released by Leviathan, it seems that the sorcerer Yara has found a way to free himself from the gem in which Yag-kosha had imprisoned him. 

Paint Monk’s Library will try to follow news on upcoming Conan releases as they are available. If you are interested in following Leviathan’s Conan page on Facebook, you can find the link here:

As always, I am – Wally (AKA Paint Monk)

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