Conan, Valeria & The Crawler of the Catacombs

Review: Conan the Barbarian’s “Red Nails” Story from Savage Tales #2 and #3 – PART 2

Parts II and III of “Red Nails” are found
in Savage Tales #3.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Welcome to Countdown to Conan, a series ringing in the return of Robert E. Howard’s popular Cimmerian to Marvel Comics. Weekly installments are published on MondayWednesday and Friday. They will continue until Marvel releases their first issue of their new Conan series. This bonus Countdown to Conan feature is written by John Jack.)

Taken from Savage Tales #3 in 1973, “The Lurker from the Catacombs” (the second part of the “Red Nails” storyline) is Barry Windsor-Smith’s last Marvel work on Conan until almost 20 years later. The book was made in an era when barbarian and sword and sorcery stories in general were really beginning to take off. At the time, Marvel was publishing 3 such titles, shortly followed by DC mirroring them with titles like Claw the Unconquered and Mike Grell’s Warlord.

The third and final part of “Red Nails” is featured later in this same issue of Savage Tales.

Synopsis: “Red Nails – Part II” – From Savage Tales #3

Our tale begins as Conan walks the upper halls of the mysterious walled city of Xuchotl, which he and Valeria discovered last issue (Red Nails Part I) quietly, disturbing nothing but dust. Suddenly the Cimmerian hears a commotion coming from the way he came. Abandoning all pretense of stealth, he speeds back to Valeria’s side to find her locked in combat with several dark skinned and scantily clad warriors. 
Conan pauses for a moment to admire her vicious fighting form before jumping in, instantly killing one of her attackers. Valeria uses the moment of surprise to get an edge on her remaining opponent and kills him. 
Another man named Techotl, unnoticed until now by Conan, is overjoyed at their victory. Appearing to be fairly insane, he insists they come with him and his god Tecuhltli will reward them. Not to mention that if they stay, more Xotalancas will come in numbers too great for even the two warriors to defeat. 
As they traverse the city, they come upon a hall Techotl refers to as the Halls of Silence, a disputed region that may hold enemies or friends. Conan asks him if he’s worried about the possibility of an ambush, because he hears steel gently raking stone. They duck into a dark alcove to avoid detection when Valeria hears a sound no one else wants to hear in a dark silent hallway – a door quietly creaking open directly behind her. 
As she startles, she feels her foot strike something that feels strangely like a human skull it falls with a clatter. Techotl exclaims that the hunters will have heard the clatter and the trio silently bolt, running up some stairs and hearing the sounds of pursuit behind them made by something not human! Conan wheels about and strikes blindly in the dark, hitting something living with a thunderous blow that would cleave a man in half. He dives back into a doorway and his companions slam it closed.

Techotl explains they just had a run-in with the Crawler from the Catacombs as it bangs against the door repeatedly, attempting to smash through. They make a run for it and reach the border to Techotl’s tribes area of the ancient city called Tecuhtli. They arrive at a giant metal door and Valeria relaxes, Techotl bids her and Conan to not relax yet, men have been killed in front of the door to Tecuhtli. Several men welcome Conan and Valeria in and urge them to hurry.

The pair soon meet an insane monarch hidden in a dusty, dead city. Their plans are equally mad, not to mention the (minorly anti-climactic) fate of the Crawler! Discover it for yourself when you read Savage Tales #3!

CAPSULE REVIEW: I really enjoyed the ambiance of the first half of the story, but the second half took a hard jump off the deep end, which I found slightly confusing and poorly paced. The second part involves a deep betrayal within the deposed monarchy found within the city. I also found the crawler to be pretty poorly conceived and displayed for a title character – it best seemed presented as an afterthought. I was a bit disappointed as a lover of monsters in the sword and sorcery genre.

Overall, this is a very evenftul middle part of the story that just serves to set up the third and final installment. Very little actually happens in the story itself. I’m disappointed after I enjoyed the first part of the story and hope the final installment improves. Also interesting to note is that the tone I complained about in the first part of the story (where Conan practically forces himself on Valeria) is ten times worse this installment. It’s part of what made it tough for me to read.

This story was a letdown to me, so on a scale of 1-10, I’d rate this story a 5. On eBay, ungraded copies were readily available for $8-20 depending on condition.

John Jack

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