Xuchotl, a Plot Revealed & The Rescue of Valeria

Review: Conan the Barbarian’s “Red Nails” Story from Savage Tales #2 and #3 – PART 3

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Welcome to Countdown to Conan, a series ringing in the return of Robert E. Howard’s popular Cimmerian to Marvel Comics. Weekly installments are published on MondayWednesday and Friday. They will continue until Marvel releases their first issue of their new Conan series. This bonus Countdown to Conan feature is written by John Jack.)

We continue the “Red Nails” story where we left it – Conan has been betrayed and is wandering the labyrinth that is the dead city of Xuchotl. Unlike earlier, he is moving with knowledge and purpose. As the Cimmerian continues back on the path he walked before, sword in hand, he happens upon a dying man – one he recognizes.

Techotl has given his last, attempting to defend Valeria from the mad despot of a dead kingdom, Olmec. Conan must retrieve Valeria from the chamber of the witch!

Conan leaves the dead man and sprints through the silent halls, no longer afraid of the ghosts within. As he runs back into the kingdom of Olmec, he is shocked to find the mad king trussed up and left to die on a torture rack.

Olmec reveals the true mastermind behind all of the bloodshed. Tascela must sacrifice a young woman to retain her youth! A scream rings through the halls…Valeria needs Conan in a hurry! Suddenly, Olmec shoves Conan, who grabs him and causes them both to tumble down the stairs. Having the presence of mind and skill, as they fall Conan seizes the king by the throat. By the time they reach the bottom, the king has died by barbarian hands!

Conan emerges in Olmec’s throne room, which has been transformed into a terrifying altar of sacrifice.

Can Conan save his precious Valeria? That’s not the only surprise in store – discover this issue for yourself! 

CAPSULE REVIEW: This was a pretty great finale, although it’s weird how quickly the story once again rapidly shifted gears into an action-packed thrill ride with a character dying on nearly every page. It was odd how so much happened off panel, considering that despite the gap between stories this basically happened within minutes of the second part of the story.
I did notice a couple of panels that likely wouldn’t have made it past the censors had this been a CCA reviewed book. Not a bad thing, necessarily, but I will say the final part of “Red Nails” finally ditched the weird and inappropriate vibes contained in the first two parts of the story. It was a relief that those references were gone. 
Overall, “Red Nails” is worth a re-read. I give the third part of this story an 8 out of 10, for a total of 7/10 for the complete story.
Copies of this issue are readily available online for $8-12. I didn’t see any CGC-rated copies. I did find out that this story was released in color as a Marvel Treasury Edition in the mid 1980s, which I found on eBay for under $10. Apparently IDW also released an artist edition format of the story that is currently out of print.
– John Jack
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